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One weekend by chance in 1995 Christopher Georgesco and his Dutch wife Maria took a trip to get away for the weekend to Palm Springs. Being that his wife was Dutch and only knew how to ride a Bicycle, Los Angeles was not the ideal place to commute to work. The space and easy going pace of the desert had a great appeal. They were on there way to San Diego when Maria started reading a pamphlet on Real estate. She could not believe that new homes were in the $45,000 to $70,000 range on large 1/4 acre lots.They turned there car around and went to the first real estate office they saw. They put a down payment down on the first new home they saw in a remote part of town in the outskirts of Palm Springs where Sculptor Christopher Georgesco could grind steel for his work and not bother anyone.
This was a completely spontaneous act. A survival mode built into the Psyche of the Artist. Move where there is spaces and property are cheap. Now in 2009 Galleries are sprouting up everywhere and again the tried and true prevails. The Artist move to where space is ample and cheap and soon the Boutiques, Restaurants and Galleries will follow and cause the one quit villages to turn into Boom Towns.